Sunday, September 16, 2018

16.09.2018. Rainis vs. Whales: LU vs UAS

It's been a good three weeks of my studies at UAS. Enough to draw similarities and differences, comparison and contrast between the two. Note: This post is not a rant, not meant to praise or crush any university. Truth and nothing but - based on empirical data.

1. Books
Ok, straight up - LU is a winner. If a book is required for the course, it is found at the library. Period. We are never expected to buy textbooks. Also, couldn't say we use many textbooks per se - the material is mostly already chewed up by the professors, we only have to digest it. Is that a win or a loss - I don't know.
Here at UAS, yes, we are expected to buy textbooks. Yes, I had some 13-15 to buy. Yes, some of them cost 130 bucks. Yes, I pirated most (what else is a broke student supposed to do???) I rented one from Amazon and bought two used - spent around 30 bucks on books. Still more than I would have spent at LU. Why all this wastefulness? Why not supply books at the library - especially since the university doesn't have too many students?
Yes, it is our library and yes, I stole the picture from the website.

2. Homework
Tough subject. At LU, we technically are given homework. Usually consists of some sort of a reading, a few pages, and, occasionally, an assignment to go with it. Just a reading? Never gets done, apart from the special few in the group. An assignment? Mostly gets done, but in haste, last minute, after last minute. Haven't seen many people actually studying for classes.
At UAS, we get a lot of reading. Like, a lot. I do have 2 writing classes and an advanced literature class, which might be at fault, but my roommates also read a lot, so it is a thing. Having to read a 500 page book until next class is no big deal. Have to. Also, writing. In Creative Writing, I have to submit 2 complete works (poem/short story) a week. In Memoir Writing, one complete scene and one writing exercise a week, plus a bigger portfolio. And that excludes literature and Tlingit classes. Yes, there is a lot of work. I like the fact that the university keeps me busy.

3. Professors
There are professors I love at UAS, there are professors I love at LU. The big difference here is the level of formality when communicating. At UAS we address professors by first name - doesn't happen much at LU. Formal e-mails, starting with Dear Prof. something, are also not that important. Small talk with a professor, just dropping by to say hi - completely normal. Interesting. I like it. Makes one feel human.

4. Class discussion
Hard to say. Here, people speak up much more. In Latvia, it is a cultural norm not to speak. But there is not much meaning in the discussion that arises here, whereas in Latvia, we usually reach some sort of a conclusion or at least a point. Here it sometimes just feels like having fun and a chit chat amongst ourselves - sometimes, it does lead to a point, and it's like finding a goldmine. But Latvians could use some encouragement to speak - otherwise, the classroom feels heavy and oppressed, and there is an unhealthy power relationship between the professor and the students. Not always. But it happens.

5. Cafeteria
As stated previously, American food is a separate rant. *triggered*

6. Gym
In LU, we have the opportunity to participate in team sports and group fitness classes. Which is not bad. Here, we have access to a fully equipped gym (all the machines and stuff), some group classes (weight/yoga/soon Zumba in my lead (yasss!)), a suspended running track, a hall, a studio, and a climbing wall, or, rather, walls. A whole room. Oh, and rental of camping equipment, bicycles, tents, kayaks, you name it.  I guess we have a winner.

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