Sunday, September 2, 2018

02.09.2018. The American Dream

I could film the events of this week and it would turn out to be a potboiler American college movie. However, given that I’d never experienced anything like American college, I feel no guilt about trying. In fact, moderate amounts of Americanisms are fun.
Last Sunday, we were taken downtown, only for some of us to hike right back uphill. Mount Roberts, full of trails, was engulfed in heavy breathing and knee pain (I was spared, thankfully). Slavic squat comes in handy at breaktimes!
 Studies have started boiling our heads (I am required to read 22 full books over 4 months and supposed to read 14 more. Serves me right for taking so many writing and literature courses.) So, on Wednesday, we felt ready for a cooldown (Yes, we are still in Alaska. Yes, one gets used to the climate and mild rain isn't any rain at all anymore.) What better cooldown than Auke Lake, splashing the walls of the university buildings?
 Fun fact: Auke means ‘little lake' in Tlingit. So, we jumped in Little Lake Lake. (moon moon, anyone?)
Friday, it was campus kickoff. Some 5 years ago, I would watch something like Pitch Perfect and flinch by the phrase 'I'm going to the activities fair'’ Such things don’t exist in Latvia, and, the introvert I am, I love to be thrown together with a group that shares my interests so that I don’t have to go and look for people myself. I did join a couple of clubs and got a bagful of free stuff I don’t need.

Later that evening, we had a bonfire party by the ocean. Seriously. Can something scream 'college' any louder than this? It started with basic drunkenness, wandering around, hugging people one doesn’t know, the typical thing. Then, a certain friend who also happens to be an international and my flatmate, disappears. A search party is organized, involving around 15-20 people frantically combing the area for a good 45 minutes – only to find this certain person passed out on the beach. I mean, we love her, but couldn't resist a good kick in the backside. (Later, it turned out she'd taken nine Aspirins before drinking. Kids, don’t try this at home.) The next surprise? Our ride had dumped us. So, we had a chance to become closer than ever and squeeze 21 people in 2 cars for a 30-minute drive. Totally legal.

The next day? What do you think? Horrible hangover, sitting around, watching movies about insomnia while falling asleep. Gross. I’ve also caught a mild cold from those who already had it last week (everyone else, that is).
When life slows down a little, the posts will probably change and I'll focus more on a topic, rather than journaling the events. But the first two weeks have been too eventful not to do that. I promise to do rants on American food and wasteful lifestyle sometime soon. Speaking of which, some flatmate of mine has been baking mozzarella sticks and has left the oven on. I've been up for a good two hours and only now did I notice. A-fucking-mazing. See what I mean?

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