Sunday, November 18, 2018

18.11.2018. Happy 100th, Latvia

Today, November 18, is the Independence Day of Latvia. What is more, November 18, 2018 is the centennial. My small country is a hundred years old today. So, to avoid sentimentality, I'll just plop in a traditional Latvian dessert recipe (and how difficult it is to make one in Alaska).

Rupjmaizes kārtojums/Rye bread trifle
Proper dense rye bread
Cranberry/lingonberry/redcurrant jam
Sour cream (Greek yogurt works)
Sugar (optional)

1. Get yourself some rye bread. Every cornerstore in Latvia sells a variety of those. In Alaska, I had to start this dessert two days prior, as the bread had to be made (I still had some rye flour from the previous Latvian culinary extravaganza; otherwise, I'd have to order like 2 weeks prior). To make rye bread, combine 2/3 of the flour you want to use with boiling water, wait until it's not scorching hot and add caraway seeds, sugar, salt, and yeast. Cover and let stand for 24 hours. Add remaining flour, knead well, let stand for another 6 hours. Form a loaf. Bake at 180 C/ 350 F for 20 mins, then 200 C/400 F for 65-125 mins, depending on the size of your loaf.

2. Acquire jam. If you're Latvian, there's most likely some in the pantry. If you're in Alaska, go to three stores to finally find a pack of cranberries, combine with some water and sugar and make some quick jam.

3. Crumble the bread, add a bit of sugar and bake again to crisp it up (optional; if bread is sweet and dry enough, just crumble it).

4. Layer the bread, jam, sour cream in the respective order in a big tray or individual ones. Repeat layers as needed.

There we are. Happy birthday, Latvia.

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