Sunday, December 2, 2018

02.12.2018. Yes, I Do Study, Too

The coming week being the last week of studies, and the week after - the finals week, I thought I'd elaborate a bit on what I've been studying here. In Latvia, I'd concentrate more on the linguistics side of the English language. Here, however, I didn't have the option, so I've been exploring the more creative side of it - literature and writing.

1. Introduction to Creative Writing
Most people dismiss creative writing as an easy subject. Wait till you're asked to write a ghazal or a tritina. The class consisted of weekly writing assignments (1-2 complete prose or poetry pieces per week) and critiquing others' work. 10/10, would write again. The class has helped me grow as a writer, the requirements have been consistent, the material relevant. Hands down, amazing.
2. Memoir Writing
Possibly the most emotional class I've ever taken. No, definitely it is. Writing a memoir is like therapy. Unfolding the past in writing provides access to emotions previously tucked away. Most meetings were a flood of tears as we shared our stories. Incredible trust amongst ourselves. The professor, too, is wonderful - a renowned native writer. It's truly been an honor to learn from her - learn about myself, others, and memoir as a genre.
Yes, yes. Our university sits on this lake.

3. Advanced Literature: Discard Studies
Well...this has been...refreshing. The class took waste literature as its study object. Like, literature and movies that talk about trash - white trash and regular. People and emotions as trash, too. While some of the pieces were impossible to read (House of Leaves - don't read it. Just... don't), the approach itself, in the era of environmental disaster, is quite remarkable. Worth researching.
4. Beginning Tlingit I
I was so pumped enrolling in this class. Like... I get to study an indigenous language with just a few hundred speakers worldwide! Plus, it's an agglutinative language, meaning I'll have to reshape the way I think of languages! (Nerd excitement alert). Well... 4 months later, I know how to say my name, ask 'how are you' in three different ways, name random animals and objects, and play Go Fish. The class didn't progress. It moved so painfully slowly. I guess it coincides with the Tlingit culture - time is rather relative. Nevertheless, I really wanted to learn the basics. Did not. Sigh.
What we do in Tlingit... sigh

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